Local community colleges offer courses in drivers education. Correspondence courses are also available, as well as private driving schools.
It may be possible for parents to provide the behind-the-wheel portion of the driver’s ed program following these steps:
  1. Obtain study book from DMV to prepare for the drivers test.
  2. Take test for learner’s permit.
  3. Once the student has obtained a learner’s permit, enroll in a correspondence course.  Most have have best success using VADETS.  You can enroll in their course through the DMV website.  The cost is a little over $100.  You will need a letter from me verifying the student is homeschooled through 3J4 Academy.
  4. Take the certificate of completion from the correspondence course and the letter from me to the DMV and they will instruct you and certify you to be the behind-the-wheel instructor. 
  5. Once the behind-the-wheel instruction is completed take everything to DVM and they will issue a temporary license and let you know when to appear to receive the permanent license.
Please note:  It cannot be guaranteed that these steps will work.  It depends on which DMV representative receives the paperwork as to whether they will accept the letter from 3J4 Academy as approval as a homeschooler.  Most of the time it has been accepted; however, we have had cases where the DMV representative denied the letter, and when we resubmitted the letter it was approved.  The DMV regulations are unclear about this matter.